Pedalchopper Quality by Jim Wilson... "Twin" fire Hemi - style 6cc head, torqued w/copper head gasket. Motor prepped/ degreased / painted - multiple coats heat paint. Motor is going on Spoiler so room in frame to use stock manifold. Abreo / SHA - Delortto replica carb [one better] w/ fuel adj. screw. Steel throttle housing cable custom cut to length. Clutch pads trimmed and clutch properly adjusted. OFFSET machined stingray specific motor mount with 2 1/2 front adaptor plate. Finned exhaust header and all 3 anodized engine covers. and... integrated kip style chain tensioner. BEST YET! Grubee GT5A - ES = 40mm inlet studs and drill start feature [front right side engine cover] Grubee - best off the shelf motor available smoother more powerful than any other web site motors in USA. Get it here!