Having a motorized bike looks fun, doesn't it? Trust me, IT IS!!!
Do you already have a OCC Scwinn Stingray? You can motorize it yourself if you have your bike, some mechanical skills, a few tools, and PedalChoppers Build-your-own PedalChopper kit.
You'll get the industries best available motor, a GRUBEE GT5A 66 / 80cc Motor. Also included are: Dellorto Style Hi-Performance Carb, STEEL Throttle Housing w/ grips and remote kill switch, "vortexed" Tuned Drag Pipe, Heavy Duty No Drill Motor Mount, Chain Tensioners "Tweekers", 44 tooth RR Drive Gear and rag joint with mounting hardware, HD MOTOR SIDE Drive chain & chainguard, Fuel tank, Fuel Line, Tank Mounting hardware, Clutch PADS []properly trimmed & Clutch LEVER & CABLE connected and properly adjusted, Matching - 2 INTO 1 Right Side Brake Lever [connect 2 brakes to 1 lever], 2 WIRE - Higher Power Magneto, TRIPLE FIRE / THREE PRONG Hi-Quality spark plug, CDI / Coil ...and more! Motor pre-installed on motor mount using hardened metric bolts.
Comes with photo instructions.Click here to SEE THE KIT NOW.
Of course you can go through our site and pick and choose individual items you want. But the kit makes it easier. We also have other instructions throughout the website.
If you have questions before you buy, use the form on most pages to contact us.