MOTORIZED BICYCLE CONVERSION KITS - OCC  Schwinn Stingray Chopper Bicycle 

 BUILD YOUR OWN  "CUSTOMIZED"  PedalChopper.    

Excellent Father and Son Hobby Project!  

Better than RC Radio controlled as you can actually ride these when finished!


 First off, Jim at is the best. Easily the best customer service I've encountered EVER! He resolved every issue instantly and was available to answer any and all questions throughout assembly. - J. Salter / OHIO 

        "OCC Schwinn Stingray 

     Motorized Chopper Bicycle"                          WORLD


  ... we ship worldwide via USPS

     This Internet site is here to provide everything needed to:                        BUILD YOUR OWN "CUSTOMIZED" PedalChopper for:

  ADULT,  TEEN or Pre-TEEN using YOUR: Schwinn STINGRAY Chopper Bicycle.



     The NEW ERA [2004-2005] STINGRAYS cry out to be motorized!


Here at, we provide ONE STOP SHOPPING for ALL of the motorized bicycle parts, tools, etc. needed for your OCC Schwinn Stingray Custom Motorized bicycle builds!  

      OUR CUSTOMER / SPEC. BUILD PROJECTS - are prominently posted THROUGHOUT this site and some are FOR SALE or, a duplicate can be built for you!   We expect that some persons who visit here, will evaluate the amount of Time, Tools & Skills needed in order to Motorize an OCC Schwinn Chopper and decide to have me BUILD IT FOR YOU!  


However, those of you who want to push ahead and build their own PedalChopper - we are here to provide everything you will need to do it right!      ...INCLUDING FREE TECHNICAL ADVICE!  to our customers.


SHIPPING TO ALL LOCATIONS: * Worldwide - per request.   The shopping cart on this site does not know how to calculate  shipping prices for outside the [U.S.A.] . Please contact me at and include a list of what you want and where you are located.  I will reply promptly with cost estimates including shipping to your location.

INCREDIBLE!  NEW OPTION: 3 Speed Transmission  UPGRADE - see photos below

recent project "Web"ster - click on photo

PEDALCHOPPER EDITION: 24" inch Front & Rear Wheel "KITS", 3 speed transmission, Engine Performance Upgrades, etc.
PEDALCHOPPER EDITION: 24" inch Front & Rear Wheel "KITS", 3 speed transmission, Engine Performance Upgrades, etc.


OUR "TRIPLE THREAT"  MODEL                                                           Schwinn Spoiler S.S. TRI-POWER                                               3 SpEED Bicycle / 3 SPEED  Gas /                                                     1000 watt FrONT E-hub

Schwinn Spoiler S.S. TRI-POWER 

3 Speed Bicycle w stickshift

* 3 speeds functional [jackshaft] w/gas motor

 * PedalChopper Edition High Performance 66/80cc gas motor

* 48volt / 1000 watt front electric hub with disc brake

Hi Jim,  Yes, the bike arrived and is amazing, pictures don’t really convey just how incredible this bike is when you see it in person... Man, this bike is a dream come true and worth every penny. Thanks so much for all of your attention to detail and hard work. Also for all of the extras you included... I want you to know I couldn’t be happier with this bike! Thanks again for everything, I’ll keep in touch! - J. JOHNSON / NY

 NOTE: This is a CUSTOM bicycle site - so some of the items are "ONE-OFF".  If you see something you like and cannot find it anywhere on this web site...  Contact me, using one of the forms at bottom of each page and i will get back to you - asap!

COMMISSION A BIKE BUILD by Jim Wilson / Owner of 

Our motorized PedalChoppers start at around $2,199.00 = nicely equipped [not including shipping]. Contact me USING FORM BELOW to discuss the equipment you will want on YOUR “custom build”.  I have lots of experience, I know how to build them right, tight, cool & fast!   




Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

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